How can I add my listing?
Complete the “Add Listing” form, we aim to review all listings within 48 hrs.
There is no suitable category for my listing, how can I add one?
Please complete the “Suggest a category” form and we will review the submission within 48 hrs.
My listing already exists, how can I update it ?
If your business / ME club has already been added to the directory then you can claim the listing and update it as required.
Simply find the listing and click the “Business Owner” link on the right hand side. Once you have registered as the owner we will manually approve the claim within 48 hours. The manual approval process is to help ensure that the correct owner has control of the listings. Ownership can be revoked at any time if the content added is not suitable
What listing options are available ?
Free Listing:
Featured Listing:
Does the featured listing price include VAT?
Yes, we are VAT registered and a VAT invoice can be sent to you in addition to the standard paypal invoice. Please contact us following payment and we will issue the invoice.